Serve at St. Mark’s

Saint Martha’s Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is entrusted with the responsibility of assisting the clergy in caring for the altar and all items that are used during our worship.

Altar guild work is a labor of love offered to God, not just a chore that must be done. If you like to polish, clean, put things in order, pay attention to details and stay in the background, the Altar Guild is an excellent ministry for you. The Altar Guild also prepares the flowers and greens for the decoration of the altar.

Special service is required during the festival seasons such as the “greening” of the Church during Christmas and the arrangement of the Altar of Repose, where the Reserved Sacrament is kept between Maundy Thursday liturgy and the Good Friday liturgy.

For more information about joining Saint Martha’s Alter Guild, or any of the other guilds at Saint Mark’s, contact us or call the Parish Office at 972-253-7124.

Morning Prayer Ministry

The Morning Prayer Guild supports the clergy in assuring that the Daily Office is said each day at St. Mark’s. Members of this Guild are especially helpful to the Parish in reading Morning Prayer at 7:30 a.m. Monday thru Saturday.

This group  offers intercessions, assuring that the people of St. Mark’s are remembered before the Lord. Those who wish to pray the Daily Office as a part of their Rule of Life are encouraged to join and assist in providing this service to our parish family.

Liturgical Ministry

The Liturgical Guild consists of the acolytes, lectors, and lay Eucharistic ministers of the parish. This group involves periodic training and meeting for support and instruction. Members must be regular in attendance and reliable in service. Persons interested in participation in these ministries may call the parish office.

Visitation Ministry

The Visitation Guild exists to make regular visits to our homebound members, remembering them in our fellowship.  Extensive training is a necessary component to participation in this ministry.

Parish Choir

The Parish Choir leads the congregation in song and offers anthems which befit the readings and the seasons of the church year. From September through May, they rehearse on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. and gather on Sunday at 9:00 a.m. to warm-up prior to the 9:30 a.m. service. Dale Daniels is the Director and Organist.


The Ushers provide services that allow and encourage the smooth running of the Sunday liturgies and special services. Ushers greet you at the door with a pew sheet and a smile, assist in seating latecomers for the least possible intrusion into worship, and “clean up” leftover pew sheets after the liturgy. This ministry is open to both men and women of the parish.

For more information about the choir, please contact the Parish Office.