All Scripture Is Inspired By God

“As the Gospel opens up today, we see Jesus instructing the disciples in the art of persistence seamlessly joined to the subject of prayer. Kind of odd that the disciples would need a lesson in persistence and prayer at this stage of things. Now we may assume that only contemporary, and non-religious people would have problems with these things, but Jesus knew better…” — Listen here, or download the MP3!

Fall Parish Update

Fall Festival
Last Saturday we were hosts to Captain Hope’s Kids for our Fall Festival.  As you may remember last year, we had plans for a large number of kids to be our guests but many were too ill to come.  We did not have that trouble this year.  The Bodybuilding crew worked like trojans, the parish responded to the call for help – even friends of the parish were in force.  I counted no less than 43 plus our own kids thrown in for good measure.  We had games, food, face painting, bags for the TONS of candy and prizes given to the children.  The crew needed to sponsor an event like this is large.  The adults have to be willing to submit to Safe Church, set aside time in their busy schedules, and then be open to having a conversation with children who are in less than idyllic situations.  Thanks to all who came, supported, worked, and prayed – each one of you truly brought the Kingdom of God down to earth.

Vestry/Delegate Elections
In a previous Parish Update, I informed that St. Mark’s has made some significant upgrades to our Bylaws.  Bylaws are those rules and procedures that the parish leadership agree to follow.   I encourage you to review the Bylaws to understand how we conduct the business of our parish.  The Bylaws are on our website and also a printed copy is posted on the vestry bulliten board in our Parish Hall.

One area of modification is our Vestry/Delegate election process.  We have returned to ask those running for elected office to complete a very short form (Addendum I of our Bylaws).  This Application For Vestry/Delegate Nominee Consideration allows the candidate to communicate directly with those who will be casting votes.  We returned to these forms because the parish wanted more information from the candidates about their vision for St. Mark’s than just the few words that were spoken right before the elections at our Annual Meeting.  This form, once completed, will be given to the Nominating Committee by the candidate for processing, printing and distribution to the parish before our Annual Meeting on Sunday January 23, 2011.

This year’s Nominating Committee is composed of outgoing Vestry members Kathy Whitgrove and Vicki Redden along with Tootsie Morton as the unelected representative from our congregation.  As in previous years, this committee continues to exercise broad authority in shaping the Vestry of the following year.

Two weeks ago, I asked the congregation to begin to pray about serving at the Vestry level.  There is plenty of time to continue in your prayerful deliberations but the forms must  be received by the Nominating Committee by January 2, 2011, three weeks before the elections on January 23, 2011.  This gives our office time to gather the information, assure the qualifications are met and then print early enough so all will have a chance to review the information and decide who will lead our parish.

This will be a critical election in my opinion.  We continue in our ministries, we are seeing new faces in our congregation but we do need to do more in asking people to try St. Mark’s.  This is fast becoming the most presenting issue to be addressed by our parish.

Sunday School
Sunday School continues to be a bright spot for us.  The Sunday School teachers are now in the second unit of the catechism, “Believe In The Creed”.  There will be a Sunday School meeting soon to begin discussing the goings on in Christmastide.  I am so grateful for all who participate in this important ministry to our children.

St. Mark’s Fall Take Out
The Women of St. Mark’s is having their Fall Take Out on Sunday October 24.  Proceeds from the sale of quiche, meat pies, side dishes, dessert pies, and other baked goods will go to the Women of St. Mark’s outreach ministries.  Please mark your calendars and come  hungry and ready to support their efforts.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me or a member of the Vestry.

May God bless you and St. Mark’s,
Fr. Greg

UPDATE: Would you please bake some pies?

UPDATE: Please let Julie E. know if you would like to help with some cooking at the church on the following dates:

Monday, 10/18 – 10 to 2
Tuesday, 10/19 – 10 to 2
Thursday, 10/21 – 10 to 2
Friday, 10/22 – 10 to 2

You are welcome to come and cook your own dishes or help Julie with some soups, casseroles, cookies, etc.

Sunday the 24th, Julie will need several folks to help sell the items and help clean up after the sale.

Thanks so much for your support!!!


The Saint Mark’s Women’s group is planning a Fall Food Takeout event to be held Sunday, October 24th. This event will be similar to the Country Kitchen, but will enable customers to take food home rather than dine in the Parish Hall.

In order to make this event as successful as possible, we have two requests:

  • Would you please make some pies — quiches, meat pies, side dishes and/or other goods that we could sell on Sunday the 24th? Please make things that freeze well and that can be put in dishes that do not need to be returned. If we have left overs, we will keep the items for sale the following Sunday.
  • Would you please tell your friends and neighbors to come by from 11 to 1 to buy some great home baked goods? We will have flyers available by this coming Sunday.


Julie E. will be at the Church most of the week prior to the sale on the 24th to cook, bake, and freeze in preparation for the event and she encourages others to join her. Please contact Julie directly with any questions you may have.

Fall Esprit Diocesan Magazine Now Available Online

A letter from Bret Williams, Missioner for Communications, Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, regarding the fall issue of Esprit magazine:

I am pleased to announce that the October edition of Esprit is ready and available online. Here is the direct link to the online magazine:

You may also access this via the homepage of the Diocesan site at

We are also in the process of delivering hard copies to your church. We are delivering fewer hard copies this quarter based on the digital availability of the publication. Therefore, we are asking that you include this link in your email communications to your congregation, or forward this link to the Esprit directly to your members in a separate email. Thank you for your help in the distribution of our Diocesan magazine, we hope you enjoy this edition.

Also, please feel free to help us promote our Diocesan iPad/iPhone app “EDOD Mobile.” This edition of Esprit is currently available through this app as well.

Think about how God has set up His salvation…

“Think about how God has set up His salvation. He created us to give glory and honor to Him to the end that all might come to Him. But God did not create robots did He? No, He also implanted free will so that whoever returned to the Father might do it on his or her own…” — Listen here, or download the MP3!

Adventure Team Visits Texas Scottish Rite Hospital

Tuesday, October 5th, the Saint Mark’s Adventure Team toured the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas.

Texas Scottish Rite Hospital is an absolutely amazing place that treats Texas children from birth to 18 years of age who have pediatric orthopedic conditions such as scoliosis, clubfoot, hand disorders, hip disorders, limb length differences, as well as certain related neurological disorders and learning disorders (dyslexia.)

Over 190,000 children have been treated totally free of charge since its inception in 1921 with more than 40,000 clinic visits each year.

For further information about Texas Scottish Rite Hospital, see

The Saint Mark's Adventure Team at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital.

I Know In Whom I Believe

“Did you catch that portion of the Letter to Timothy? The part that intimated that Paul was in prison? Paul finds himself in trouble and yet he still writes these letters to support a younger church leader….” — Listen here, or download the MP3!

The Second Annual Fall Festival for Captain Hope’s Kids

The Second Annual Fall Festival for Captain Hope’s Kids will be held on Saturday, October 9th from 10:30am to 1:00pm.

Donations of children’s books and individually wrapped candies can be left in the parish hall. Cookies and brownies are needed the day of the event.

If you would like to participate, please sign-up in the Parish Hall and/or contact Wende B. or Patricia S. for more information.

“Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called…”

“We have been spending the last three weeks studying Paul’s first letter to Timothy. Today we come to the summation of all we have said. Before we get to that I want to make sure we all are clear on something.

When you and I share this sermon time together, my expectation is not that you are necessarily going to have a Eureka moment and all of the sudden become a super Christian, involved in 4 ministries, catching up on the pledge and then going beyond it in blessed thanksgiving for all that our Lord God has done in your life…” — Listen here, or download the MP3!

New St. Mark’s T-shirts Are Coming – Order Yours Today!

New St. Mark’s T-shirts will be going into production Monday, October 18. All shirts are 100% heavyweight cotton pocket-Ts and will be screen printed in two colors.

Cost: $15 each.

These T-shirts are a great way to share your faith with people around you. Ministry and outreach participants are encouraged to purchase a shirt so we can wear them when working together in the community.

T-shirt order forms will be available in the Parish Hall. Payment must accompany all orders. Orders must be received by Jeff G. no later than Monday, October 18, 2010.

Please speak with Jeff G. directly or contact him if you have questions.