The Song of Mary (Canticle 3) is a regular part of the devotional life of the Church in the cycle of the Daily Office. This Sunday we hear it in context, sung by an expectant mother inspired with joy by the Spirit of God.
Mary’s song grows out of a sense of deep longing for God to stop hiding his face from his people. Israel has been occupied by a succession of foreign powers, the current one being Rome. They are mired in oppressive taxes, corruption, and an influx of pagan cults. And Mary has just received confirmation that God is raising up her unborn son to be Israel’s salvation and the fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham so long ago.
We continue to sing Mary’s song as a celebration of all that God has done and is doing in Jesus. In him God is restoring the peoples of the earth and all creation to be radiant in God’s glory. Mary bore God’s salvation, and the Church continues to bear the healing presence of Jesus to a world in need.
In joyful expectation of Christmas,